15: Six! Six, Six!
The music we listened to from the 70s led us necessarily into Metal. We were already into guitar wizardry and wizard costumes, and Eddie was very compelling. Just look. I tried. I listened to Dio, Ozzy, Judas Priest and Iron Maiden - the stuff just prior to Motley Crue. It became apparent quickly that this was not my music: there’s something overwhelming to the energy of Metal, and a trebley aspect that wears out my ears like an over-compressed Chili Peppers record.
I liked the (subtly-delineated) Hard Rock, which (for my purposes) was less shrill and still aggressive and exciting. Which bands belonged in which camp was a matter of big debate: our first forays into the question of “authenticity” had topics like “FastWay or Def Leppard? Who’s more real?” Some of the acts I loved were, in retrospect, shockingly light: Sammy Hagar especially.
At some point I’ll relay the stories of When Mom Felt Satan In The House - but not today. Today I will relay that although I chose the less-frightening bands, I still got sent home from school for an offensively Satanic shirt.
I tried to explain: But sir, it’s a TIGER playing a guitar! But no luck. Satan has many disguises, and you can’t be too careful.
Peace out babies. Stay safe.