45: Why Aren't We Talking About - WTF!? What's Going On??
Pure nonsense, baby. With apologies.
Pat Benatar does deserve lots of credit for rocking when she rocked - but I don’t have much else to say than that. Here’s a couple of good tracks. You probably already know them. She ruled at a time when women were pretty actively discouraged from being powerful or self-directed. And Love is a Battlefield never stops being great - as a video or song. It was one of those right-at-1985 “story” videos, too, and the scenes are somehow part of the song in my mind. I hope one day to dance my way out of a Pimp-Problem myself.
Hope you’re great. Thanks for reading. If you dig it, please share it.
I love the underwater move! The purple Octopus needs more time on these pages.